Christian Inspiration and Wisdom for the Modern Christian aids you in your pursuit of understanding by providing a wealth of important and guiding verses from the Bible, as well as quotations by Christian scholars and other notable persons of history. The Bible tells us, "Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding" (Proverbs 3:13). The modern Christian has many sources available for providing guidance in the pursuit of understanding. Let be one of yours, and may our database of Bible verses and quotations inspire and guide you.

Inspirational Christian Quote of the Day
One of our most popular features is the inspirational quote of the day, accompanied by an inspiring picture. Many visitors bookmark this page and check it each day for inspiration. Click on the link below to view today's quote or Bible verse of the day:
Inspirational Christian Quote of the Day

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Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.Matthew 5:4

Christian Quotations and Bible Verses Categorized
Our database contains a broad treasure of wisdom and knowledge. We have sorted them out into fitting categories so that you can navigate easily through them all. This is a powerful source of guidence for you in your Bible study, as the modern Christian tends not to have time to read from the Bible as often as he or she would like. We at have done the work for you, gathering the Bible's most important commandments, the most inspiring passages, the quotes with the greatest relevance and offering up the deepest and most profound wisdom. Take advantage of this resource by exploring the links below.
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